Thursday, October 6, 2011


Once we left Brian in Rock Springs it seemed that the end of a perfect summer had come.  Rather than "take our time" as we did on the trip out we put it into high gear and DROVE without stopping at any roadside attractions.  We spent the night in a campground somewhere in Kansas and we know that we must be getting close to home because the BUGS were back.  All summer on the lake and not a bug in sight but the skeeters harangued us at the camp ground !  Then the next day we put 'er in drive and finished up the trip.  It was great to be home.  We had spent the MOST AWESOME summer ever on Lake Pend Oreille,with family and friends, and Norm's 70th birthday party was one to be remembered! But, it's true what they say....There really is no place like home and it was, indeed, really, really, really good too be here.

"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow." -- Lin Yutang