Monday, August 29, 2011


Norm went out to the Salt Flats with a tour guide.  You’re allowed to drive on it alone, however, you may bury your car in the process if you don’t know what you’re doing....He opted for the guide.

In Norm’s words:  It was a natural phenomena …with motorcycles.  Every make, size, color, age, of motorcycle trying to break some kind of land speed record for their bracket.  You need lots of water, long sleeves, a big hat and a good pair of sunglasses because there ain’t no shade.

It was an awesome sight, even more impressive than I expected it to be. I would truly like to be here during Speed Week when all the cars go for the record.  The current speed record is over 600 mph. Nancy was close to this with the SUV and her sailboat when we arrived at the flats. She also came close with the quads this morning in the mountains. Anybody who is interested in speed should come here in August, but go out on the salt EARLY in the morning. Hotter than the devils colon.”

Personally, I think the three "old dogs should take their next big motorcycle ride here and ride 'em full out on the flats.  I mean, you only live one !  And the beat goes on….

If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space. ~ Anonymous

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