Tuesday, August 16, 2011


 Grandson, Parker, didn't get to visit us in Iowa this year, so we're trying to make it up to him by having him visit us on Proud Mary.  He's be with us four days and so far he is having a ball!  He's been working real hard for grandpa to earn his 'stripes.' Today he earned three 'stripes' -- one for swimming; one for motoring between the buoys without hitting them; and one for sailing Proud Mary (with very little wind which is waaaaaay harder than if it is windy!)  Not bad for a 10-year-old!

We've had some fierce Skip-Bo competitions with the current winner being allowed to proudly wear the 'Chicken Foot" around their neck.  Grandpa, Parker and I have all had a turn being the winner. PK is wearing the Chicken Foot at the moment, but grandpa is plotting his win for tomorrow! 

   Parker mastered the kayak and earned a "K" award.  We tried to tattoo a "K" on his arm with a magic marker,but he wouldn't let us....something about "Mama wouldn't like it"  LOL

He came with his goggles and snorkel so he's been getting to know the fish 'up close and personal.'  It's funny how the icy cold water doesn't deter a little boy!  Granny still isn't swimming.

So the boys are sitting in the cockpit now, reading books and feeling pretty content.  Me too. I love it here on the lake and refuse to count the few days I have left. Today was a really good one...tomorrow will be  as well....and the beat goes on.

One of the best things in the world to be is a boy; it requires no experience, but needs some practice to be a good one. ~ Charles Dudley Warner

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