Monday, August 15, 2011


We took five days away from the lake to visit family on the "other side of the mountain."  First, we stopped for an afternoon and evening with Parker and Shannon in Issaquah. PK was in fine form and chomping at the bit to teach granny a new card game. He beat me, of course then we took his puppy, Molly, for a walk.

 Later we took he and his mom (Shannon) out for Dim Sum at a little place they introduced us to last year. YUMMY!

The next morning we headed on over to Bremerton to visit mom and my sister Joyce and her family.  Marc and Pam joined us, so we had the "whole fam-damily" together!  What a wonderful time we had talking, laughing, and of course EATING (far too much) They guys played golf. The womenfolk had pedicures and went to see "The Help." Then we came together again for more eating and fun. It was an awesome gathering. I've not photos of the family as they are on Joyce's camera but I'll add them later to this post.

On Saturday most of the family joined us in Seattle to attend the Jazz for Peace benefit that One Nurse hosted. We had a real small turn-out for that. Thank God for my family!  Otherwise the room would have been embarrassingly empty!  Next it was down to Ivars for everyone for our last fish-n-chips of the season. YUM!

We're back at the lake now and in just the few days we were away there seems to have been a shift. You can feel the difference in the air....Fall is just around the corner....and it's almost time to go home. We had the second full moon last night since we docked here at the marina.  

    Just a couple more days this week, then we'll go into town for Norm's birthday party festivities, then back here for only a few more days. Yes, my lake days are singing their swansong....It's nearly over and it's been incredible... And the beat goes on.

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